Hello. I am María Gutiérrez, and I am a Spanish professor at this university. In this video, we are going to show you how to use the technology that we have in the classrooms. Well, this is a typical classroom. In all classrooms, we have at least a board, but obviously we also have technology. So, we are going to show you how the equipment works. First, choose the computer you prefer, PC or Mac, and take out the keyboard. Now, log on. Type your university user name and your password. To get into your portfolio, which is your personal page, the system asks you to enter your name and password again. There. Now you have access to your portfolio.
Now let’s see how to project. On the screen, press the projector sign and turn it on. Lower the screen, using the switch that’s on the wall. At the end of the class, log out, but don’t turn off the computer, and do turn off the projector. It’s that easy. I hope that everything is clear, but if you have any doubts, ask me. At any rate, if you have any problem during class, don’t worry. In all classrooms, there is a phone. You can call someone from the Language Center, and that person comes and helps you immediately. That’s all. See you soon!
Comprensión de la escena
Temas de estudio
Notas culturales
Linguistic exchanges between English and Spanish
On the other hand, English has also been borrowing from Spanish. Many words related to ranching come from Spanish, like ranch (rancho), lasso (lazo), rodeo, stampede (estampida) … Think of the names of many foods that are commonplace nowadays in the United States that come from Spanish-speaking cuisines: chorizo, tamales, burritos, papaya, taco , tortilla, quesadilla, churros, dulce de leche, etc. And don’t forget that the name of several US states and many cities come from Spanish: Florida (flowered), Nevada (snowed), Colorado (red), El Paso (the pass), Las Vegas (the m In fact, the oldest city founded by Europeans in what today is the United States is St Agustine, Florida, originally San Agustín, founded by Spaniards in 1565.
Calle Avilés, San Agustín, Florida
Lectura auténtica
La educación a distancia requiere que el estudiante posea ciertas características sin las cuales resultaría muy difícil que obtenga éxito en esta modalidad. Si aún no las posee deberá poner empeño en desarrollarlas con la finalidad de que sea un estudiante exitoso en la educación a distancia. Habilidades necesarias para trabajar a distancia y en línea:
Los que triunfan como estudiantes a distancia
Estas pueden sonar como las cualidades necesarias para tener éxito en cualquier ambiente de estudio, y, en realidad, así es. Pero el contexto de la educación a distancia pone presiones especiales sobre los estudiantes para ser independientes y auto-disciplinados. Si usted está considerando el estudio a distancia como una opción, puede ser en parte porque usted tiene responsabilidades múltiples. Como probablemente ya sobrelleva una vida ocupada, usted tiene que estar fuertemente motivado y ser capaz de estructurar su mundo para permitirse un tiempo para estudiar. El hecho es que usted probablemente se va a dar cuenta que la educación a distancia es más difícil y no menos, que el estudio por el medio tradicional. From the website of Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Cuajimalpa: http://campusvirtual.cua.uam.mx/estudiar/estudiante COMPRENSIÓN |