PROFESORA: Come on. ELENA: It smells so good! PROFESORA: Yes? It’s rice with chicken. It is not paella, it is rice with chicken home-style. JAVIER: I love it! At home we eat it a lot. My mother makes it very yummy. ELENA: Yes, my grandmother makes it too. PROFESORA: Well, I hope you like it. ELENA: Hey, from Javier and me. PROFESORA: Delicious, but, well, it wasn’t necessary. JAVIER: It’s okay. PROFESORA: Thanks so much. Besides, red wine is perfect for the rice with chicken. JAVIER: Listen, how can we help you? PROFESORA: Well, I’m heating the rice. And I have to finish the salad, and set the table, and that’s it. ELENA: If you want, I can cut the tomatoes. PROFESORA: Great, perfect. ELENA: In large or small chunks? PROFESORA: Neither small nor large, medium. ELENA: Are they washed already? PROFESORA: Yes. JAVIER: Then, I’ll set the table. PROFESORA: Great. JAVIER: Hey, is this the tablecloth? PROFESORA: Yes. JAVIER: Great. And I see you have here the salt and pepper. Hey, where do you have the silverware? PROFESORA: Look, the silverware is in that drawer to your left. JAVIER: In this one? PROFESORA: That one. JAVIER: Cool. And how many are we going to be to eat? PROFESORA: Well, it’s just us three, because my husband is on a trip. JAVIER: OK. Are we going to need spoons? PROFESORA: No, just knife and fork. JAVIER: Fine. Hey, where do you have the napkins? PROFESORA: Look, the napkins are over there. JAVIER: And the glasses? PROFESORA: The glasses are in that door there to your left. JAVIER: Very good. And where are the plates? PROFESORA: Inside the next door. JAVIER: Perfect. I’m on it. PROFESORA: Very good.
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Notas culturales

Rice in Hispanic cuisines
In this scene, the professor makes arroz con pollo, a dish the TAs seem to know well. There are many variations of this dish, probably as many as Spanish-speaking families! Chicken is common everywhere, and so is rice.
The Spanish word arroz comes from the Arabic ar-ruz—most of what’s Spain today was ruled by Arab and Muslim groups between the 8th and the 15th centuries, and they introduced rice to the Iberian Peninsula. With the conquest, the Spaniards took the crop to the Americas–they were growing rice as early as the 1520s in Mexico.
Since then, rice has been an essential ingredient in most Spanish-speaking countries–rice and beans is the daily staple of many people. In Spain, rice is also an important food, and the main ingredient of one of the most famous Spanish dishes, la paella.
¡Que bien huele la paella! ¡Está para chuparse los dedos! The paella smells so good! It’s finger-licking good! |
Lectura auténtica
This text is part of a larger reading on the nutritional and health values of rice, one of the most common foods in the world.
Vitaminas y valor nutricional del arroz
[hotspot id=7323 /]
El arroz es buena fuente de vitaminas y minerales como: niacina, vitamina D, calcio, fibra, hierro, tiamina y riboflavina.
From http://www.sanasana.com/blog/es/arroz-alimento-mas-consumido-en-el-mundo-descubre-sus-secretos/
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