study_newAcciones reflexivas
Reflexive actions




Los gatos se están sacando un selfie.
The cats are taking a selfie.

Reflexive verbs: verb + reflexive pronoun

In Spanish the reflexive construction is very common. In English
these verbs are sometimes expressed with myself, yourself…etc.,
but often they are not.

Me hice daño en la escalera. 
I hurt myself on the stairs.


-¿Cómo te llamas?
-What’s your name?
Me llamo Hanna.
-My name is Hanna.

levantarse  to get (oneself) up

me levanto    I get up
te levantas  you get up
se levanta  you get up /he/she gets up
nos levantamos  we get up
se levantan  you/they get up

aburrirse  to get bored

me aburro   I get bored
te aburres   you get bored
se aburre   you get /he/she gets bored
nos aburrimos   we get bored
se aburren   you/they get bored

 Reflexive versus non-reflexive actions: Many reflexive verbs can also be used non-reflexively.

Acciones reflexivas Acciones no reflexivas
dogbathingtselfEl perro se está bañando.
The dog is taking a bath.
manwashingdog_smallMiguel está bañando al perro.
Miguel is bathing the dog.
shaving_smallAntonio se afeita.
Antonio shaves.
barber-1007875_640El barbero afeita al cliente.
The barber shaves the client.

kidbrushingteeth_smallMadison se cepilla los dientes. 
Madison brushes her teeth.



someonebrishingbabysteeth_smallEl papá le cepilla los dientes.
His dad brushes his teeth.

120px-Nuvola_apps_important_green.svg Notice the use of the articles instead of the possessives in Spanish. The use of the reflexive (or other) pronoun makes the owner obvious. The possessives sound redundant in these cases.


Verbos reflexivos comunes
-ar  -er  -ir

alegrarse = to be happy/pleased
acostarse = to go to bed
bañarse = to bathe/shower
cepillarse los dientes = to brush one’s teeth
= to wake up
ducharse    to shower
enfadarse   to get angry

equivocarse   to be wrong
lavarse    to wash up
lavarse (+ article + part of body)    to wash (one’s something)
llamarse    to be called
to worry
to sit down

ponerse = to put (something) on
ponerse  (+adjective)= to
become (adj)
aburrirse = to get bored
divertirse    to enjoy oneself, to have fun
dormirse = to fall asleep
= to leave, go away
reírse =
to laugh
sentirse (+adjective) = to feel
vestirse = to dress / get dressed

Placement of reflexive pronouns
study_newThey are placed like all other object pronouns

 Object pronouns

  • Before a conjugated verb (a verb with personal endings)
  • After no in a negative sentence

Madison se lava los dientes sola.
Madison brushes her teeth by herself.

-¿Se divirtieron los chicos ayer en el concierto? -No, no nos se divirtieron mucho.
-Did the young kids have fun yesterday at the concert?  -No, they didn’t have that much fun.

  • Attached to affirmative commands

120px-Nuvola_apps_important_green.svg A stress mark is usually needed on the syllable that is originally stressed on the verb before adding the pronoun.



¡Diviértete!  ¡Diviértanse!
Have fun!

  • Before or after verb phrases — when placed after, the verb and the pronoun form one word.

120px-Nuvola_apps_important_green.svg  A stress mark is needed on the syllable that is originally stressed on the present progressive form before adding the pronoun.

Tengo que irme a las 10. / Me tengo que ir a las 10. 
I have to leave at 10.

-¿Te estás aburriendo?/¿Estás aburriéndote?
-Are you getting bored?







ACTIVIDAD 1: ¿Acciones reflexivas o no reflexivas? 


ACTIVIDAD 2: ¿Qué significa?


ACTIVIDAD 3 : Marca todas las posibilidades.


ACTIVIDAD 4: ¿Qué pronombre reflexivo es?


ACTIVIDAD 5: Completa el diálogo con los pronombres reflexivos.


ACTIVIDAD 6: Completa las oraciones con el verbo correcto.